Bring On The Night

It started with an idea. She says, “why don’t you take a nap?”

“I’m not ready for a nap,” I say. “All I do is sleep!”

And that’s how it starts. Somebody plants the seed and it grows. You can fight it all you want. But, once it’s in your head, unless you have the means to stop it, the seed explodes into existence.

I like to be in control of my thoughts and ideas. If I look at my iPad and see the WordPress app, I go..l”holy shit! I didn’t write today!” Not that writing has to be done, nor does it have to be good. But I like the feeling of using my brain for positive things. To hold the impure thoughts at bay. To keep the devil in his cage.

So here I am, talking to myself yet again. Oh sure, some people stop by and peek in once in a while, but I’ve done this for years, by myself, for myself. Therapeutic. It feels nice to know that some people care enough to read this. Thanks.

Today was for me. I’ll try to get back to some creative writing tomorrow. This was a music to soothe my soul kind of day. It worked. It works every time.

I am at peace with the day. Bring on the night!

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